The Hour is permanently closed. Remaining inventory is still available at 75% off and can be purchased online only. All items will be shipped domestically through UPS. No local pickups. All sales are final. Thank you for 15 wonderful years!!

The Rickey: The Spirit of D.C.

The Rickey: The Spirit of D.C.

Since 2008, the DC Craft Bartenders Guild has put together an annual competition honoring the classic cocktail called The Rickey.  This July, bartenders from all over DC will be participating in The Rickey Competition finals where they will present their take on the beloved DC drink. If you're a fan...

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The Hour's COVID-19 Action Plan

We realize that everyone is taking the spread of the coronavirus seriously.  We are too.  We are seeking to ensure the health of you, our loyal and concerned customers, as well as our employees and their families. Due to the recent rise in Covid cases, The Hour is halting in-store...

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Christie's Lates

Christie's Lates

October always finds us busily preparing for the upcoming holiday season and this year is no exception. We were happily surprised to find ourselves scurrying around preparing inventory for a special event as well. Christie's Late's is an exclusive opportunity for invited guests to tour the renowned Christie's galleries after...

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